Looking for something to do with the kids this weekend? Here’s something fun: the OneThing™ Conservation Expo at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.
Touted as the “World’s Fair of Energy Conservation”, The OneThing™ Expo is part of Governor Jodi Rell’s initiative for positive change in energy conservation. Within the OneThing™ Expo will be the OneThing-Palooza!, a 24,000 foot space of interactive, hands-on activities for kids.
The Stepping Stones Museum for Children of Norwalk collaborated with the Connecticut Science Center to premiere their first traveling exhibit, Conservation Quest. It will be featured in the OneThing-Palooza! area.
“This is a first in a series of energy-themed exhibits we’re planning,” said Robin Wexler, the Manager of Marketing and Communications at Stepping Stones. “This will be an opportunity for children to explore healthy living.”
The exhibit was designed with children aged 10 and under in mind. Kids can wander through a maze, create their own inventions, as well as see films and live performances hosted by the Connecticut Science Center. The event focuses on energy conservation, climate change, and environmental health. It gives a thumbnail sketch for what families, schools and business can do to save energy and protect the environment.
“The kids are in for something spectacular,” said Carol Brennan-Smith, Director of New Ventures with Stepping Stones and one of the driving forces behind the exhibit. “There’s nothing out there that gives kids these key messages about the energy arena.”
Conservation Quest will go on tour in the tri-state area for the next two years. It will be shown in libraries, school and community centers beginning in early 2009.
The event will be taking place this weekend, October 10th – 12th, at the Connecticut Convention Center. Tickets are $8 for adults; $4 for seniors; children under 12 are free. For more information, go to www.onethingct.com or visit the Stepping Stones Museum’s web site at www.steppingstonesmuseum.org.