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December 14, 2008


Joe Morrone

This great article by Heather Burns-DeMelo is spot-on in its critical perspective of issues for green builders in a "chicken or the egg" type of quandary.

It appears to me that there are not enough official training programs to bring people up to speed in any of the "green" initiatives that we hear are coming in the near and distant future. I've seen organized seminars and trade shows to help promote new products and knowledge of products over the course of a couple years, but few certification programs.

Maybe the new President and his administration will be effective in bringing these changes about as he has said he will do. But as a work force, we cannot wait until his initiatives come to light at an undetermined time because he has never said directly that re-educating workers from old methods to new techniques is part of his plan. The education and energy plans being reported seem to be aimed at younger people entering the work force and new companies coming into fruition and less about re-education and/or converting a company's practices and goals.

Connecticut and California are two states that seem to be at the forefront of mandating this great movement, but as far as I can see, our own state has passed initiatives toward the end prize without paving a road to get there. Not in an accessible degree that is equal to its own current goals.

At the time of this response to Heather's article (over one year) there is an overall hiring freeze on all government jobs in the state of Connecticut including anything having to do with the promotion of a greener and sustainable future.

In Connecticut's green future, will they employ the chicken or the egg?

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