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February 08, 2009


Andi Hills

Dear Mr Smith,

I have been investigating possibilities for green energy for our farm in Central CT. I was directed to your site in which you mention two small turbines free for research and testing purposes. Our site may be a good location for your testing as we have constant and steady wind just about every day. We would be interested in learning more about your program.

Gary Guminiak

Dear Mr. Smith,

I have been asked to investigate the possibility of WInd Power for our Distrbution Facility here in Enfield, Ct. I just came across this article, in which you have proposed two small turbines free for research and testing purposes. If you feel that our site might be a good location for your testing - Hallmark would be interested in finding out more about your program.

This may also lead us to installing larger Turbines, if your research rusults are conducive to us installing larger systems.


Gary Guminiak
Hallmark Cards
Operations Engineer

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