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November 12, 2009


Anneli Olila

Generally speaking, green project management involves all of the aspects of 'traditional' project management and more. It is not yet a fully delineated or standardized field, but requires the comprehensive fusion of environmentally sound practices into a company's project methodology and processes. While green project management does not require specific compliance with ISO 14000 Environmental Management Standards, the more you understand about these standards, and the closer you are able to get to them, the better. ISO 14000 requires, among other things, looking closely at waste management and consumption of energy and materials. Because green project management really requires buy-in and support from all stakeholders of a project and from the company for which you work, it can often require that you are adept at implementing and positively affecting cultural and organizational change. Those who are known for fostering positive community relations, for building strong and cohesive teams, and for both strong diplomacy and leadership skills will be able to transfer these skills into a green project management position.

That's the short 'comment' answer. If you would like more information, or would like a review of your resume in relation to positioning yourself for a green project management career, please feel free to contact me through the Olila Documents & Communication Strategies website at www.oliladocuments.com.


PM Hut

Since I'm highly involved in Project Management, I've seen recently a lot of posts on Green Project Management jobs.

Can you briefly explain the main differences between a normal job and a green job with the same set of responsibilities.

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